Choosing The Ideal Area Rug

Rugs are definitely underestimated when it comes to their uses, practicality and the design aspect that they bring into your home. This can genuinely elevate your décor scheme, add warmth and comfort, as well as separate areas of a room.

Choosing the ideal rug can be a challenging process. At All Modern Design, we are area rug experts and have come up with a few tips on how you can choose the perfect area rug for your home.



Measure Up

Don’t guess! Get out the good old measuring tape and take an accurate measurement of the space you have available for your rug. Think about the ideal size and shape for your rug. Remember that carpets are not always rectangular but can be round and square too. Think about what size would complement the space you’re looking to fill the best. With your measurements in tow, you can now easily shop for rugs and filter out any that won’t fit your space.


The Right Colour And Pattern

The Right Colour And Pattern | All modern

Your area rug should incorporate some of the colours and hues that you already have in the room and stick to the same tones. The overall design of the carpet should also compliment your décor. A patterned rug can be quite a bold choice, especially in bright colours, and may put the spotlight on your carpet as a statement piece. A rug should not purely be seen as practical, as the right addition can elevate the entire look and feel of a room.


Texture And Material

Texture And Material

A rug can be a great way to add texture to a room. Think about what you’d like the carpet to feel like underfoot and if you want it to be sleek and thin or quite rough and thick. Rugs come in many different materials and may want to familiarise yourself with these materials before choosing a carpet.



As a modern consumer, we all have the responsibility to consider sustainability in our choices. Rugs that are sourced ethically and handmade, are more likely to last than those purchased from fast textile brands.


All Modern Design Rugs

At All Modern Design, we offer a diverse range of machine-spun and handmade area rugs in Melbourne. We source our materials and products sustainably to bring you high-quality rugs that are made to last.

Feel free to browse our online catalogue to see our range of area rugs. Don’t hesitate to contact us should you want more information about our area rugs.